Tokyo Table Trip

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2019 年 2 月起,在 TokyoTableTrip 擁有極高人氣的「鮨豬股」的營業時間將有大幅更動。

- 2019 年將舉辦「初音鮨」與「鮨豬股」的合作活動(合作活動將舉辦至何時仍未定)。今後豬股會參與「初音鮨」的營運,並與「初音鮨」的中治一同站在櫃台握製壽司

・2月起的「鮨豬股」的營業日僅每週三、四。營業時間則為 14:00~/17:00~/20:00~,一日開店三次
・此外, 3月則會例外地於 1號(五)、2號(六)亦開門營業。

無論狀況如何,都可預料 2 月以後「鮨豬股」的座位數將會大幅減少,故我們建議預定前往者早日進行預約。

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Their collaboration with other sushi ya ended last month. Now they resume business at their original location. They are serving two rounds: 17:00 and 20:00 during Tue - Sat.

大约 5 年 ago 1567827926

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Are they open Monday? Do they take reservations from hotel concierge?

接近 5 年 ago 1571321847

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Hello Saito san, I will visit some sushi restaurants in Tokyo this coming July, may I know if it is disrespectful if I wear shorts with sneakers? Thank you!

5 年多 ago 1558856996

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Hello Saito-san and everyone, on Omakase website, I see that Sushi Inomata now have slots opened for nearly every day in October, but before it was only Wed and Thurs. Does that mean he has now stopped from Hatsunezushi?

大约 5 年 ago 1567568844

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Special announcement: Sushi Inomata is open on Sun August 11th on top of their regular opening hour in Aug.

大约 5 年 ago 1561291965

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