Tokyo Table Trip

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老實說,最近我避免在 Google 上寫 SEO 集客的垃圾文章(類似於“東京20家美味壽司店"),我想以不同的方式來提供有價值的資訊,所以這次我試著安裝新功能。

在新功能Community中,除了受到大家好評的Q&A以外,還想提供像“前幾天去的這家店超級好!” “這種店家現在在東京當地相當受歡迎”的新資訊。


作為營運者,雖然已經體驗過,但如果能在 TokyoTableTrip 相遇並連繫至現實生活,那就真是太棒了(例如在旅遊目的地一起享用晚餐)。

請各位多加利用! !

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I have a suggest as well. Can we have an add to my table tab. So we can save the info that’s been shared. Easier to find for the future

接近 2 年 ago 1668310012

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Is it just me or does "Read More" comments not work on an iPhone?

接近 2 年 ago 1668140064

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I like this new direction! The message board style interaction with different topics for discussion and encouraging others to share, is definitely more fun and easier to view to get updated information and responses. Not just in Japan, but overseas there are also too many low quality food journalism/articles of top 10 or 50 best this or that, designed as clickbait, and definitely not helpful information.

接近 2 年 ago 1668110543

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Saito-san, just a suggestion. Would it be more beneficial to just close down the q and a? So everyone will be using the community instead?

接近 2 年 ago 1667805930

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Saito san, if I may make a suggestion - did you consider requiring login for the community section? I know right now it is really convenient to post anonymously but when it comes to sharing info it's hard to know whether one can relate to another "guest"'s tasting buds.

接近 2 年 ago 1667791398

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